Global Biz Forum67 Human Capital Human Capital 이원모2004-03-11 13:26:36 조회: 19 Human capital consists of the skills, knowledge, and other factors, such as health, that improve an individual’s ability to produce goods and services. One reason people earn different incomes for different jobs are that they differ in the quantity and quality of their human capital. Human capital is developed through education and training. By investi.. 2007. 6. 14. How Can We Determine Our CRM Readiness? How Can We Determine Our CRM Readiness? 이원모2004-05-26 23:07:37 조회: 19 How Can We Determine Our CRM Readiness? The first step in a CRM assessment is to start with business objectives that are specific, measurable, actionable, realistic and time-bound, or SMART One way to navigate through the complexities of CRM and the overwhelming array of CRM products in the marketplace is to perform a CRM read.. 2007. 6. 14. Six Ways to Build Trust in Negotiations Six Ways to Build Trust in Negotiations 이원모2004-05-28 07:11:13 조회: 42 Six Ways to Build Trust in Negotiations by Deepak Malhotra What began as a misunderstanding about specifications and deadlines between a manager at RLX, a software development firm, and a manager at Impress, one of its clients, had escalated into a conflict charged with growing mistrust. Both RLX and Impress had money to lose .. 2007. 6. 14. Market-Driving Checklist Market-Driving Checklist kmi2004-07-28 18:26:12 조회: 39 Market-Driving Checklist/ by Nirmalya Kumar 1. Market-Driving Mind-Set Does our top management continuously reinforce the need for market-driving ideas? Do we actively seek to cannibalize our own products? Is the pursuit of competing emerging technologies permitted? Are new ideas routinely imported from the outside? Are time and resources al.. 2007. 6. 14. Time Management Time Management kmi2004-07-28 18:40:57 조회: 50 Time in the organization is constant and irreversible. Nothing can be substituted for time. Worse yet, once wasted, it can never be regained. Leaders have numerous demands on their limited time. Time keeps getting away and they have trouble controlling it. No matter what their position, they cannot stop time, they cannot slow it down, nor can they sp.. 2007. 6. 14. A Simple Time Management Plan A Simple Time Management Plan kmi2004-07-28 18:41:27 조회: 72 Effective time management is crucial to accomplishing organization tasks as well as to avoiding wasting valuable organizational assets. The following nine rules from Managing Your Mind (1) will aid you: Get Started - This is one of the all time classic time wasters. Often, as much time is wasted avoiding a project, as actually accomplis.. 2007. 6. 14. The 10 Qualities of Charismatic People The 10 Qualities of Charismatic People kmi2005-01-07 18:20:31 조회: 44 Did you ever notice that when some people walk into a room all heads turn? Or when some people speak they captivate everyone around them. And how about the type of person that you shake their hand and instantly trust them . . . believe them . . . and like them! What's their secret? What do they have that most people don't? It's.. 2007. 6. 14. Are You Ready to Go Global? Are You Ready to Go Global? kmi2005-02-01 13:51:49 조회: 94 by Diana Farrell Don't think of offshoring as just reducing expenses—it's a great way to generate new revenue. This Harvard Business Review excerpt helps you determine if your company is ready for a global reach. Editor's note: In a recent Harvard Business Review article, Diana Farrell, director of the McKinsey Global Institute, argues th.. 2007. 6. 14. Fix the problem, not the blame. Fix the problem, not the blame. 이원모2006-08-16 16:23:54 조회: 67 Fix the problem, not the blame. It is far more productive, and less expensive, to figure out what to do to fix a problem that has come up than it is to waste time trying to decide who's fault it was.문제를 두고 누구의 잘못을 찾아 비난하기 보다는 문제해결을 위하여 힘써라. 그것이 훨씬 생산적이다. 2007. 6. 14. Global Business Forum - Virtual World for Innovation and Learning Global Business ForumVirtual World for Innovation & Learning Eilif Trondsen, Ph.D. Director, SRIC-BITelephone: +1 650 859 2665E-mail: Internet may be the most disruptive technology of the past ten years. There is hardly any area of interaction, transaction, commerce, communication, or entertainment that has not been affected. Curr.. 2007. 5. 22. KMI 일본연구포럼 11월 오찬간담회모임 일본 사회에 도전하여 성공한 이용숙사장의삶의 이야기 성명: 이용숙 (李 容淑)생년월일: 1958년 1월 7일생 (만48세) 국적: 한국 일본주소:오사카시 중앙구 아스지초 1-4-15 프라임 하이츠 405 (한국) 서울시 영등포구 여의도동 61 리첸시아 A동 614호 연락처: 017-210-8396 일본 090-3266-7056 KBS '이것이 인생이다'에 방영된 '일본 열도를 달리는 여자' 의 삶의 이야기 주인공을 11월 일본연구포럼의 주인공으로 모셨습니다.결혼에 실패한 후 그녀는 세 아이를 구심점으로 일본 사회에 도전하여 지금의 성공에 이른 성공담이다. 숱한 파멸과 좌절을 겪으면서도 결코 패배하지 않고 치열한 정신으로 자신의 삶의 무늬를 당당하고 아름답게 가꾸온 저자의 삶. 거기에서 느껴지는 한 여인의.. 2006. 10. 30. 일본연구포럼 나카무라 토미야스(中村富安)연사약력 나카무라 토미야스(中村 富安) 약력 생년월일:1954년8월4일 본적:일본국 카나가와현 요코하마시 1977년3월 조치(上智,Sophia)대학 경제학부 졸업 4월 JETRO입회도쿄본부 기획부1979년7월 인도네시아대학대학원 유학1981년7월 후쿠오카무역정보센터1984년3월 도쿄본부 정보서비스부1985년8월 라고스(나이지리아)사무소장1989년2월 도쿄본부 해외사업부 과장대리 1991년3월 자카르타센터 차장 1994년7월 도쿄본부 전시사업부 상석(上席)과장대리1997년5월 해외무역개발협회(JODC)자카르타 사무소장2000년8월 도쿄본부 전시사업부 국내견본시 과장2002년1월 서울센터 소장 (SJC 상무이사) (SJC 선거관리위원장) (SJC 산업정책위원장) (청와대부패방지위원회 위원) (동북아경제중심국가구상포럼.. 2006. 8. 22. KMI 글로벌비즈니스포럼-기업가정신과 성공조건 KMI 글로벌비즈니스포럼*KMI GBF - English Speaking Society6월의 글로벌비즈니스포럼은 재미 중국계기업인 Eclaire 그룹의 Gerald Hsu회장을 모시고 아래와 같이 개최됩니다.*주제: 기업가정신과 성공조건(사례를 중심으로)*연사: Greald Hsu회장(미국Eclaire Group)*일시: 2006년 6월22일(목) 07:30~09:00*장소: 파레스호텔 다봉(2층 일식점) Tel: 2186-6888KMI지식경영원 Tel: 566-8564 2006. 6. 15. 이전 1 2 3 4 다음