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Global Biz Forum

Global Business Forum - Virtual World for Innovation and Learning

by mo516 2007. 5. 22.

Global Business Forum

Virtual World for Innovation & Learning

Eilif Trondsen, Ph.D.
Director, SRIC-BI

Telephone: +1 650 859 2665

E-mail: etrondsen@sric-bi.com



The Internet may be the most disruptive technology of the past ten years. There is hardly any area of interaction, transaction, commerce, communication, or entertainment that has not been affected. Currently, there is a new technology—Virtual Environments such as Second Life, Maple Story, Playstation Home, and the Multiverse—that is attracting enormous attention and interest with the potential to be the next disruptive technology.

In order to help organizations to examine, monitor, explore, and learn about this new technology, We invited Dr. Trondsen of SRIC-BI (SRI Consulting Business Intelligence Inc.) for The Virtual Worlds Consortium (VWC). You may have heard about Second Life, an electronic ‘otherworld’ where people can custom design personal avatars and interact with others’ avatars. And, there are many companies (IBM, Apple, Sony, Nintendo among them) exploring and investing resources into virtual worlds in order to learn what functions, applications, and services, commercial and otherwise, they may want to provide. There may be many applications such as financial services, collaborative space for attracting users’ innovation, etc. This time, we are going to provide a seminar “Virtual Worlds for Innovation and Learning” to provide audiences the opportunity to understand a current status of Virtual Worlds Development and its perspectives.

We are looking forward your participation to the Luncheon Seminar and to discuss the opportunities in virtual worlds with our expert, Dr. Eilif Trondsen.

*글로벌 비즈니스포럼은 해외의 신경영, 신기술 등 새로운 비즈니스 경영환경과 흐름을 소개하는 쉬운 영어로 진행하는 모임입니다. 이번 6/1() 오찬모임은 미국 SRI-BI Trondsen박사를 모시고 차세대 가상세계에서 구현되는 혁신과 학습의 진화를 함께 학습하는 값진 자리가 될 것으로 생각됩니다. 여러분의 많은 관심과 참여를 바랍니다.

Global Business Forum: “Virtual Worlds for Innovation and Learning”

Speaker: Eilif Trondsen, Ph.D / Director, SRIC-BI

Participation fee: W20,000(Luncheon & Text provided)

Time & Date: at 12:00 ~14:00 June 1, Friday, 2007

Place: Leader’s Club Yoksam branch: 02-553-3690)

<일시> 2007 6/1() 12:00~14:00

<장소> 역삼역 리더스클럽 역삼점(Tel: 553-3690)
참가비> 2만원 (오찬 및 자료제공)

<참가신청> 이메일 답신메일로 성명/소속/직위를 적어 주시길 바랍니다.

E-mail: mo51@paran.com Tel: 02-566-8564, 016-359-3771

Registration for participation: <참가신청 안내>

We are looking forward the registration of you and/or anyone appropriate in your organization.

Please send in return with your name/ Phone/e-mail/Company or organization and position


KMI(Knowledge Management Institute)

Tel: 02-566-8564, 016-359-3771

E-mail: mo51@paran.com

[Location: Leader’s Club Yoksam Branch Tel: 553-3690]
