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강남경제인포럼 12월조찬회안내 좋은 사람들의 만남과 배움의 광장강남경제인포럼 12월조찬회주제: 한국경제 재도약을 위한 성장동력연사: 황영기 회장(前 우리금융그룹 회장)일시: 12/14(금) 07:15~09:00 장소: 역삼역 리더스클럽(ING타워 B1) [약력]▲경북 영덕(52년생) ▲서울고 ▲서울대 상대(무역학과), ▲런던대 정경대학원(LSE)경제학석사 ▲영국 뱅커스 트러스트 서울지점 부장.동경지점 이사 ▲삼성그룹 재무팀 이사 ▲삼성전자 상무 ▲삼성생명 전략기획실 전무 ▲금융발전심의위원 ▲삼성투자신탁운용 대표이사 부사장.사장 ▲삼성증권 대표이사 사장 ▲한국증권금융 사외이사 ▲우리금융그룹 대표이사 회장 ▲법무법인 세종 고문 ▲한나라당 경제살리기 특위 부위원장(현) [취미.특기] 만능스포츠맨, 테니스, 골프(싱글수준)한국경제가 격랑의 .. 2007. 12. 13.
영리한아이 외 영리한 아이 어두운 곳을 무서워하는 아이가 있었다. 어느날 밤 엄마가 아이에게 뒷마당에 있는 빗자루를 가지고 오라고 시켰다. "엄마, 바깥은 지금 캄캄해서 무서워요." "아가, 밖에는 예수님이 계신데 뭐가 무섭니? 널 지켜주실거야." "정말 밖에 예수님이 계세요?" "그럼, 그분은 어디에든 계신단다. 네가 힘들때 널 도와주신단다." 그러자 아이가 잠시 생각하더니 뒷문을 살짝 열고 틈새로 말했다. "예수님, 거기 계시면 빗자루 좀 갖다주실래요?"교복 하얀 팬티가 교복인 학교가 있었다. 아침에 선도가 교문 앞에 서 있는데 검은 팬티를 입은 학생이 등장했다. 선도부: 야 ! 너 뭐야? 검은팬티: 나? 이 학교 짱이야.그 뒤를 따라 빨간 팬티가 들어왔다. 선도부: 야 ! 넌 또 뭐야? 빨간팬티: 나? 짱 친구야.. 2007. 12. 13.
Good Evening! Hello, Namaste, Welcome To Nepal with Good Evening! Hello, Namaste, Welcome To Nepal with Nepal Ecology Green Treks :: Trekking in Annapurna Region ::This region is very popular trekking region in Nepal. It is very beautiful for its panoramic mountain scenery. Trek in this region can be started from Besishar and Pokhara.with many options of trek for the those who like to do long or short treks. Trekers they have to walk through Gree.. 2007. 12. 10.
Full Moon Night at Manas Sarovar ! Full Moon Night at Manas Sarovar ! Hello Friends, It was chili night. The winds were high and we were shivering. But as it was full moon night, I wanted to stay awake and see the moon, and mount kailash and Manas sarovar in moon light. The belief of Hindus is that on moon light all the gods and Goddess certainly come down to Manas sarovar to have a dip, and even though we can not see them, the v.. 2007. 12. 10.
Night Jungle Treckking Night Jungle Treckking Night Jungle Trekkingというオプションに申し込んだ。夜8:30から約1時間30分の行程で、タマンネガラリゾートホテル周辺を散策し、野生動物や不思議な植物を観察するものです。昼間ならともかく、夜のジャングルを巡れるなんてそうそうないですから、参加しました。 1チームにつきガイドが1人と客が4人です。2人はカップル(行きの船とバスが一緒だった)ともう一人(しらない大きな体の人だった)と私。当然ガイドは英語(でも、こういう説明は比較的理解しやすいと思う)。 最初に行ったのは、リゾートホテルの近く(ほんとに徒歩5分ぐらいのところ)で、野生のシカのような動物が数頭が食事しているところ(結構見れてLukkyだったらしい)。10mぐらいの近さで見れた。大きさは日本のシカと変わらない感じです。次は、リゾートホテル敷地内で木の枝に鳥が寝て.. 2007. 12. 10.
Paradorn Srichaphan vs Natalie Glebova on their wedding Thailand's tennis star Paradorn Srichaphan, right, and Miss Universe 2005 Natalie Glebova pose during their wedding at a hotel in Bangkok, Thailand Thursday, Nov. 29, 2007. (AP Photo) 2007. 12. 10.
ATP Expanded Rankings ATP Expanded Rankings Top PlayersRankNameCountryRanking Pts1Roger FedererSUI65302Rafael NadalESP55353Novak DjokovicSRB44704Nikolay DavydenkoRUS27255Andy RoddickUSA23306David FerrerESP22507Fernando GonzalezCHI19058Richard GasquetFRA18309David NalbandianARG177510Tommy RobredoESP176511Andy MurrayGBR175512Guillermo CanasARG172313Tommy HaasGER172014James BlakeUSA171015Tomas BerdychCZE168516Marcos Bag.. 2007. 12. 10.
Real Estate Developer History Real Estate Developer HistoryCommercial Real Estate Developers in the 20th Century The methods and practices of real estate developers changed rapidly in the early 1900s - companies and individuals specializing in development and in commercial contracting lent their expertise and skills to the expansion and growth of the American economy. America was "built on commerce," but American commerce wa.. 2007. 12. 10.
BioBusiness Network 2007 As product pipelines continue to empty, and both finding and bringing new products to market becomes harder and more expensive, BioBusiness Network 2007 has evolved to meet your partnering needs. BioBusiness Network 2007 brings together the most senior level and influential executives in the industry: you’ll have the chance to book hundreds of 1-2-1 meetings over three days in addition to learni.. 2007. 12. 10.
Eaton Corporation, Getting a grip Eaton Corporation, Getting a gripManufacturing in Action, Source : The Manufacturer US Published : August 2005 Manufacturing Manager Alan Anderson helps writer Mali Schantz-Feld get a handle on manufacturing methods at Eaton Corporation’s Golf Grip divisionFor the past 36 years the vast majority of new or replacement grips on golf clubs have been manufactured at the Golf Pride plant in Laurinbur.. 2007. 12. 10.
Doing Business in Japan Doing Business in Japan basic informationBusiness Meeting Etiquette Casual American-style attire is still uncommon in the Japanese business place. You should dress appropriately for the occasion when meeting your counterparts on business. When sitting down to a business meeting with your Asian counterparts, the seating arrangement will be determined by the status of the participants. Do not just.. 2007. 12. 10.
Growth Scenarios: Growth Scenarios: Tools to Resolve Leaders’ Denial and Paralysis Jonathan Star and Doug Randall Businesses increasingly realize that significant growth opportunities are unlikely to come from incremental change. Instead they must address the challenges of novel product and service innovation, entering unfamiliar geographical and product markets, and confronting new rivals. When the organization .. 2007. 12. 10.
2007 송년모임 [펜실베니아 Networking Night] [영림원CEO포럼] [바이오지식포럼] [영양중학 18기 동창생 송년모임] [방배동 송년 부부모임] [송년 가족모임] [형태네집 학부모 송년회] 2007. 12. 7.
중국 상해-소주, 말레이-수트라리조트 여행(10/22~28) 2007. 12. 4.
나팔꽃을 닮은 여인: Kim Taehee, So Eehyon, Nam Kyuri [Kim Taehee vs Nam Kyuri] 2007. 12. 4.
겨울이야기 2007. 12. 4.
강남포럼 월간행사일정 KMI 강남경제인포럼2008 [7월 행사일정]일시장소행사개요7/2(수)07;45 티업레이크사이드cc(동인코스)[월례골프동호회] 월례라운딩7/7(월)18:30코엑스인터콘티넨탈호텔(B1)다이아몬드홀 [KMI회원리셉션]제양인더스트리 창립30주년기념7/11(금)07:00~09:00리더스클럽 역삼점 A홀 Tel: 553-3690[월례조찬회] “벤처1.0 에서 2.0으로”-한국의 성장동력 벤처의 재도약 이민화이사장(한국기술거래소)7/19(토)08:00청계산- 옥녀봉 –계곡코스(청계산 주차장 느티나무앞)[강남포럼산악회]청계산 옥녀봉코스7/16(수)17:00~21:30 삼성동 신안빌딩 17층KTIC회의실Tel: 3467-0602[하계CEO특별강좌] 집중강좌성장전략과 M&A-전략과 파이낸싱제1주제: M&A 핵심전략(2시.. 2007. 12. 3.
새벽달을 배경으로 한 골프삼매경 이른아침 잠을 설쳐가며 골프장을 향했습니다. 안개낀 첫홀을 배경으로 잠시 동반자를 기다리는 동안 뒷배경이 너무아름다워한장면을 박았습니다. 훗날 아름다운 추억거리가 될 것이기에.. [Before rounding] [After first 9 holes] 2007. 11. 27.